Saturday, 19 April 2014

TLCT: The Garden of Princesses

A little illustration in digital watercolors, I hope you like enjoy it :)


Una pequeña ilustración a acuarelas digitales, espero que os guste :)


  1. Omg they look so beautiful. Are you going to do more of this, I hope see Ariel or Jasmine.
    The most beautiful in this illustration is Snow White, I haven't never see more beautiful.
    You do it this or everyone else?
    A last question. They're nude? O.O

    1. Yes, I'll do Ariel, Belle and Jasmine in thee second part. I did this piece by myself. And yes, they're naked.

  2. Aren't red roses supposed to be Belle's flower?? And Aurora's pink rose has a bit of a purple tint on it. Other than that, they are gorgeous!! Can't wait for Ariel, Belle, & Jasmine! XD

    1. Thanks!
      Well, the roses were from Aurora first xD. Anyway, this is a rose for each of them ( two for Snow White because her little daughter). Aurora's rose and background is purple, not pink. For my conception of the character, purple is more accurate for Aurora than pink or blue, is a beautiful mix between her two colors in the movie :)

    2. For me it never made sense why Belle always had a red rose. Its not just the franchise, but also in the parks and everything. In the film, the enchanted rose glows PINK while the rose Aurora carried was RED to match her lips. Yet for some strange reason, the colors are always switched. I like Snow having the red in this b/c of her child and its been recognized as her standard color even though she wore it as an accent in her movie. As for Aurora, I love the purple for her. Kingdom Hearts did the same thing in the prologue. Purple is my favorite color.

  3. Oh te quedaron preciosas y como veo que ya dijiste que también harás a Ariel, Bella y Jasmin, solo me resta decir que muero por verlas pero sobre todo a Ariel. Una vez más preciosas.

  4. Una imagen preciosa, las princesas te han quedado guapisimas.

  5. i'm guessing that if you continue the rose theme for the renaissance princesses, Belle will be yellow while Jasmine will be white. Belle is the only one who wears yellow at all and Jasmine had a white flower. As for Ariel its anyone's guess. i'm hoping its not pink because I think it looks bad with her red hair like in the dinner scene with eric. I think green is her best color but no one draws green flowers. If you choose pink for Belle it would make sense as a homage to the movie. Jasmine was named after a white flower so I can't think of another color for Jasmine since you already used blue and purple.

  6. WOW.......these are gorgeous!!! :)

  7. is this a new story or just paintings your doing?

    1. Just painting with a more elegant concept :)

  8. I love how different their eyelashes are. :)

  9. What color is Cinderella's hair supposed to be in this comic? She's blonde in the clipart, strawberry blonde in the DVD and Blu-Ray, but her hair is actually titian/burnt orange in the original movie and VHS (it was a popular color in the 50s kinda like how blonde is now). It seems like you went with the strawberry blonde coloring from the DVD/Blu-Ray.

    1. From my point of view, Cinderella was originally more redhead than blonde. Nowadays I prefer to use strawberry blonde on her, it's more near to the original color than the ugly platinum/yellow blonde Disney uses in the franchise.

    2. I've always considered her to be more of a redhead as well, but the strawberry blonde does a decent job of balancing out her original hair color with the new ugly blonde one. Disney really butchers Cinderella's and Aurora's hair coloring :( I'm glad to see you fixed that in your comic!

  10. I've always considered her to be more of a redhead as well, but the strawberry blonde does a decent job of balancing out her original hair color with the new ugly blonde one. Disney really butchers Cinderella's and Aurora's hair coloring :( I'm glad to see you fixed that in your comic!

    1. Oops sorry meant to post that above XD
