The following story contains graphic violence and nudity not suitable for everyone.
Esta historia contiene violencia explícita y desnudez no apta para todos los públicos.

Wednesday, 30 December 2015

The Little Crooked Tale Chapter One: The Awakening (preview)

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Reboot version of the beginning of the story. You can read the rest of this chapter and more chapters of this version in my new website:

 You can read the rest of this chapter and more chapters of this version in my new website:


  1. OMG I love it! Are you going to adapt all the previous chapters to this new style( the current style of chapter 15, isn't?)? Because if so, it's gonna be amazing. I have chills just with the new beginning, I can't wait to see the entire story until this point with this upgrade :D
    BTW I LOVE the new outfits, so detailed and beautiful, Aurora's dress looks gorgeous!

  2. OMG I love it! Are you going to adapt all the previous chapters to this new style( the current style of chapter 15, isn't?)? Because if so, it's gonna be amazing. I have chills just with the new beginning, I can't wait to see the entire story until this point with this upgrade :D
    BTW I LOVE the new outfits, so detailed and beautiful, Aurora's dress looks gorgeous!

    1. Thanks a lot ;).We are going to ''adapt'' the next chapters too ;). Their new outfits are based in some concept art illustrations from the Sleeping Beauty and picture books ;).

  3. J'adore ! Et la robe d'Aurora est magnifique <333

  4. This looks absolutely gorgeous!

  5. Question: does Zombie-Philip love Aurora as his human self did, albeit in a more twisted way (since he's trying to kill and emotionally abuse her at the same time), or is he just an undead, sociopathic husk of the man he once was without emotions or a heart?

    Pretty tragic, either way. I can't help but feel that if Aurora were to move on and find happiness with someone else (even if she may or may not be carrying Philip's child), Philip needs to be out of her life for good, even if already dead. But who knows???

    1. The real nature of Dark Phillip is something hard to explain at this point of the story... About Aurora I just can say she will change a lot on the next chapters ;).

    2. I thought he was just a twisted nightmare version of him that was brought to life by Maleficent to torture her.

  6. Beautiful! But awww no more green dress :(

    1. Why do you think that? The green dress will appear too ;).

    2. Oh good. I am glad to hear that :)

    3. She will have a lot of dresses in this chapter ;).

  7. I love how Aurora's skin has a pinkish tone to it just like in the movie.

    1. She had that skin tone since chapter XIII ;).

    2. I think I'm become used to seeing her in that big black vault of space where everyone has slightly different colors. Aurora is pitch white there which really looks good on her.

    3. I agree, Aurora looks gorgeous in fair skin ;).

  8. So will this be the final version? I've noticed that the English has really improved but there are a few minor tidbits I might make. I mean no disrespect at all, because I highly value your work and know how difficult it can be to bilingual. But if this is going to be the final version, I wonder if I might make a few suggestions on the English wording just to polish it up to 100%. I really hope you don't take offense, because I mean none, and please tell me if I am stepping out of line.

    On the fourth page...

    "But in the deepest [part] of your heart"

    "You know that you are not [being] honest with yourself"

    "[Being left with] just a heavy feeling of loneliness and leaving"


    1. Thanks for noticing about the mistakes :D. But don't worry about it, we have someone who corrects the pages when he can (now he is really busy). We are humans and sometimes we forget to add some words ( our keyboards hate us ;W;) or simply we don't realize about it xD.
      But thanks a lot for telling us about the mistakes, really. Feel free to correct the mistakes of the new pages whenever you want, we won't be ofended, :D :D :D.

  9. I honestly don't remember of the last version the first chapter, but the new one is great. I coulb be wrong, but when the voice says '' you are not honest with yourself'', does that mean that Aurora is meant to be single?

    1. It doesn't mean that. You will know what the storyteller is talking about in the next chapters ;).

    2. The storyteller is Aurora? Then it must be the moment when she told Elionwy what was "The Little Crooked Tale". At least we know that Aurora will survive to tell it, right? :)

  10. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UfnDieXJ9k0&time_continue=24&ebc=ANyPxKqeXeAo8vHusAUN5YxtjykNWdKfcJhTaajnuZIrIvfjLqafEYcFz4858ATwRbyzQPPus4Pc

    What do you think? Do you think that Anastasia could have look better with this design? Though it reminds me a bit of Aurora. ;D

    1. I think she is more beautiful than the final version of Anastasia. But she doesn't fit for the character, Anya is a very poor girl, an this one looks like a rich girl.

  11. The new version is amazing, but I hope that you won`t delete the previous one when you are finished with adapting the chapters. It was so beatiful.

    1. We don't know what we'll do with the old chapters. It would be very confusing for the new readers to have 2 different versions of the same chapter.

  12. Will Aurora ever give birth to Dawn and Day, her two twins from the Charles Perrault fairytale? Not necessarily from Phillip (if she isn't pregnant already) but any man in the future.

    1. If Aurora was pregnant she would have a miscarriage for sure... No fetus can stand so much pain and anxiety as she has suffered.

    2. Hmm that's true. Besides, she has received so many physical and emotional damage during the story.

  13. Do you plan to remake every chapters like this one?

  14. Will we see Belle and Cinderella with the hair down?

  15. Will we see Ariel's mother? And will she be given a new original design rather than that awful prequel look?

    1. Arial'mother was killed by pirates, unless we see flashback

    2. Well the villains were killed and they are back. So you never know, maybe Ariel's mother Athena will make a cameo :)

    3. Athena will appear in this comic (just in Ariel and Ursula's memories). She will have a better design than she had in the prequel, don't worry about it ;)

  16. Now I think, if the writers plan to remake the other 14 chapters, that will take time, so much time

    1. Don't worry, we are working on chapter XVI too ;)

  17. I believe they said they are also working on the next chapter at the same time.

  18. I just read the other version of this chapter. You have changed the words, so everything to going to be different?

    1. This is the same history but it's going to be told in another way ;).

  19. Will we get to see or find out how Rosie died?

    Like, was her heart ripped out, was her throat slit, ect?? Sorry to be morbid in wanting to know :P

    1. The huntsman killed her. He cut her throat.

    2. was the huntsman under Lady Tremaine's crow spell? I'm guessing Grimhilde ordered her to do it.

    3. Are sure that Grimhilde ordered Tremaine to do that? I mean why would Tremaine do it?

    4. Well actually the crows were introduced to Lady Tremaine by Maleficent. So if anyone ordered the huntsman to kill Rosie, I would think its Maleficent or Carmilla. Since they are the two in charge.

    5. It seems that Maleficent doesn't know a lot about Rose Red, and Carmilla reunites Rose Red and Grimhilde. And I remember Carmilla said that Grimhilde tried to kill Rosie, right?

    6. Tremaine has nothing to do with Grimhilde, they haven't said one word to each other (Grimhilde doesn't seem someone kind or social). Maleficent doesn't care about Grimhilde, she has her own problems. Besides, most of the villains don't get along, just look at Ursula and Berthalda ;). This may sound kind of weird but Carmilla didn't want Rosie died, she did everything she can to try to save her ;)...

    7. Hmm that's super interesting, because I had the feeling from all of Carmilla and Rosie's interactions that she was just using and manipulating Rosie for her own personal gain. So that's interesting that Carmilla really cared about Rosie.

  20. Are Aurora's eyes truly violet? In this screen cap the seem to be blue. :/

    1. Sorry, I forgot to put the link. XD
      The eyes aren't blue at all, they are more like lavender blue, but they aren't violet.

    2. Well it is really pale.

    3. As you can see in this colour study from my computer, her eyes are totally purple:
      In fact her official eye colour is violet, every Disney Aurora doll has purple eyes, even the oldest.

    4. You're right, maybe in that scene the light is different so it makes the purple go blue. ;)

  21. Aurora's mother is beautiful <3

  22. Great!! New page!!

  23. Well it seems that Aurora is not used to her new life. I mean she called her mother ''Queen''.

  24. Aurora's eyes are blue in the original movie and the remastering. For whatever reason the franchise decided to make her eyes purple (which is pretty) but in the movie its always been blue.


    1. Sorry to say this, but Aurora in that image has no blue eyes but violet... Look at this color studio of that pic:
      Anyway, that's not the usual model of Aurora, that model has different eye shapes, nose, lips... The aurora that we draw is not the ''awaken aurora'' but the ''standard one'', and that version has always purple eyes, even in the original Cels, it's not a new thing of the franchise:

  25. To be honest, in facebook, I thought that the queen was Aurora.

  26. Last night, I was on Google I saw medieval gowns. They are awesome! Do you get those images for your story?

    1. What images? There are a lot of medieval gowns in internet ;).

  27. Now I think, Argus is alone with a bunch of girls in the dark!

    1. He doesn't look very happy about it, perhaps he doesn't like none of them ;(.

  28. Is the queen's name Leah in your version? Also is her hair supposed to be a darker gold than Aurora's?

    1. The name of the queen In The Sleeping Beauty has been Leah since always, that's not our invention ;).

  29. What do you think the Star Wars trilogy?

    1. When I was a little girl I loved Princess Amidala costumes :D.

  30. Wow the queen looks gorgeous. I am almost jealous that Aurora doesn't get to wear that beautiful dress.

    A few more corrections on grammar here.

    "You've been having those nightmares again, right?" sounds a little informal for a queen. The last word anyway. Maybe instead she would say "You've been having those nightmares again, haven't you?"

    "...since he left [to] that battle"
    "...since he left for that battle"

    "...[me and your father always were] thinking"
    "...your father and I were always thinking"

    "And that's [how] you have to be patient"
    "And that's why you have to be patient"

    Also Phillip is the proper spelling, at least in the Disney version. He was named after Philip, true, but Disney always spelled it with two l's.

    1. Thanks a lot! We have already fixed it :D :D. Aurora will have a proper gown in the next page too :D.

  31. Yes update hopefully

  32. When will you update?

  33. Curious, is Leah's hair darker than Aurora's? And are her eyes also violet or are they blue?

    1. Leah's hair is darker than Aurora an her eyes are blue ;).

  34. Will we ever see your versions of Rapunzel and the Snow Queen here? I know you included those one-shots of Disney's versions of them, but will the more classical fairy tales ones ever show up?

    1. Of course they will appear, there will be 3 Snow Queens, they will be important characters ;).

    2. Oh wow. 3 Snow Queens. I'm so glad to hear because that is one of my favorite fairy tales. Can't wait to see the designs of Gerda, Kai, Rapunzel, her prince, and Gothel.

    3. They will be based in old concept arts of Disney's Snow Queen (before it was Frozen...) ;).

    4. My favorite was the one where she wears the long cloak and hat. It reminded me of the White Witch.

    5. I know everyone gives her blonde or white hair typically but I'd love to see her with black/blue hair for once. I think it's pretty with that snow white complexion (like Snow White and Carmilla).

    6. Curiously one of them has black hair and another has blue hair ;)

    7. I'm quite excited to see your version of Rapunzel and The Snow Queen(s).
      To be honest, I love Tangled, I really do. I relate a lot to Rapunzel and think Flynn/Eugene is funny and sweet, but I've always liked the original fairytale and how the protagonists overcame pretty intense obstacles to be reunited with one another.
      Same goes for Frozen. I enjoyed the story and the characters (though I'm still disappointed about Hans; he didn't have to end up with Anna or Elsa, but that didn't mean he should have been the bad guy... I guess that was too close to Enchanted's approach to fairytale romance.) but I don't see it as the story of the Snow Queen I loved to read about when I was younger. I was so excited when I saw the early drafts and concept art of the characters of the original story, and I loved Alan Menken's "Love Can't be Denied" song.
      I'm not saying the changes Disney made were bad:
      -Little Mermaid got a happy ending
      -Snow White's Prince liked her before seeing her lifeless body
      -Maleficent (don't like her, but she is one of Disney's most famous villains)
      -Pinocchio is adorable (in the original story he's a brat)
      -Hunchback of Notre Dame main characters get a happy ending
      -American Princess Tiana
      -the list goes on and on...

      Like I said, I don't mind adjustments to original fairytales for a feature film, but what I enjoyed about a good majority of these movies (not limited to Disney) is that above everything, they keep the essence of the original fairytales.

  35. How come the Black Cauldron characters are set after Sleeping Beauty? Sleeping Beauty is 1300s wile Black Cauldron is medieval Wales (circa 700s-900s).

    1. why do you think the black cauldron is situated in 900s ? There no a single clue in the movie that indicates it. There no cities, civilization... there is nothing to situate it historically . Just a ruined castle and the Eilonwy's outfit ( that outfit is more from XVII century than something medieval...) Remember that The Black cauldron is a fantasy books series, not something historical. Besides, Aurora's world is not Earth, we don't share the same history ;).

    2. I read online this that is why. But you are right, it is a fantasy novel like Tolkien's works so it is not bound to a specific time or place. And much of the Dark Ages was interchangeable so this works still.

    3. One thing is clear, the medieval age is almost eternal in Aurora's world XDD.

    4. Next update ?

    5. Yes please, new update

  36. Aurora is so cute <3 <3 And philip with his beard <3

  37. I love the good fairies' new dresses--and Aurora's hat.

  38. Aurora's dress is beautiful. She and the fairies have a very Burgundian 15th century look to them. Hope we see more of Stefan's outfit.

  39. It has been a year since Sleeping Beauty, yet Phillip and Aurora are still not married? I thought they were to be married the next day.

    1. That would be impossible, there are a lot of manners and ettiquete to know for a princess before she get married( A royal wedding is something more difficult than it seems) . Aurora doesn't know anything about being a princess and they don't get married in her movie, just Ariel and Cinderella get married in their movies ;).

  40. Keep up the good work. the new dress designs are awesome!

  41. I love Aurora's dress <3 She is beautiful <3!!

  42. Oh la la. Pretty dresses but do the fairies change clothes?

    1. Why not? They deserve to have new clothes too, it must be boring wear always the sames clothes xD.

  43. Ohhhh my goodness!! Philip is drop dead gorgeous!! Like hot damn sexy :D lol drool worthy too!! ^_^ Can we like seriously not kill him. Just leave him away at war the whole story long and twist he comes back alive at the end ;P

    Also Aurora's outfit is amazingly beautiful. Love it :)

  44. Yes I agree, Phillip is too handsome to kill off. He should only pretend to be killed off but is secretly alive for the very end of the story.

  45. We need to keep Aurora in her homeworld longer just to see her in more of these gorgeous dresses lol.

    1. She will have more scenes in her world in this remake ;).

  46. When update ?

  47. When page 6 ? Please ask me

  48. I really like the last scene from the new page, with Aurora leaving behind her crown, it feels really symbolic. I feel this new remake deeper than the original one( which of course I loved back in the day), we have more information about the characters' feelings and their way of doing things. And of course the improved art it's just fantastic. I'm sure all the new remake chapters will be amazing with this new art and storytelling ^^

    1. Thanks for your words, but we know the first version of this chapter is horrible( the old storytelling is just awful and the drawing is even worse...). We hope do it so much better this time ;)

  49. I'm in love with the new page! I love the colors and Aurora looks so pretty in pink with braids :33

  50. I love how happy Aurora looks in her old home, I can really feel it and the colors of the main panel are so beautiful! I'm in love with the last panel, but at the same time it makes feel sad because I know the happiness won't last... Poor Aurora, she looks so beautiful with hairstyle and dress... and soon the nightmare will begin.

  51. Aurora is so cute with her new dress and her braids

  52. Now I know where this is going...

  53. Will we get a chance to explore each of the main princess's world before their lives change drastically, like Aurora's?
    Will we see a grownup Arthur?
    Does/did Guienivere have a decent relationship with him at least, or are all of her affections solely for Lancelot/Argus?
