The following story contains graphic violence and nudity not suitable for everyone.
Esta historia contiene violencia explícita y desnudez no apta para todos los públicos.

Thursday, 11 February 2016

The Little Crooked Tale Chapter XVI: The Tower (Part Two) 26/26

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  1. Oh my gosh, Yes! Sanderson Sisters!I saw a sketch of the chapter cover on your instagram, but didn't get my hopes up as I figured they were probably not going to appear in the story being live action movie characters rather than Disney.

    1. They will appear in this chapter very soon :D.

    2. I'll be honest, Hocus Pocus is such a cheesy movie, but it's a lot of fun to watch.

    3. Which is your instagram? :D

    4. https://www.instagram.com/sophitydaydream/

    5. I love the drawings on here. I hope you show more concept art and scrapped wallpapers! I loved the ones of Belle especially (and Snow White's white/red dress design)

    6. I will upload some page previews too ;).

  2. Now Argus makes so much more sense, and Merlin's comment about his beard in the picture made me laugh.

    1. Argus is keeping a lot more than he looks ;).

  3. Ooh! This is looking good! Beautifully done! I have a feeling we'll be seeing Lancelot and Guinevere. I think we may have already met Lancelot... *Gasp* Sanderson sisters!

    1. Argus is more than he appears, but I think nobody think that he would be Lancelot ;).

  4. Taron looks so hot! And Elionwy looks pretty with that dress. ^ ^
    I also like that you included Morgana Le Fay and Gwenevere.
    But I have one question, what is Morgana's real hair color? It seems brown in the cover, but in the first page it looks more like an auburn brown.

    1. Morgana's hair colour is more like a cherry plum/brownish hair ;).

  5. So many different rumours about Lancelot and Guinevere... and I'm pretty sure that any of them are the truth. In fact, I think the real story will be more twisted than those gossips ;)

    1. That's true, but sometimes the rumours have a bit of truth ;).

  6. So wait, at this point we know Eilonway is Aurora's descendant, but here she's talking about Arthur and Gwinevere as her ancestors... That means Aurora's and Arthur's kingdoms were merged at some point. Maybe Aurora got married for the second time with some Guinevere and Arthur's son... But I don't remember if Merlin was supossed to come from a different world than Sleeping Beauty's, so that would mean that Aurora never returned to her world...

    1. It's something a little harder and looong to explain... You will know more about all this in the next page :D.

  7. Alice is beautiful <3 She meeting the 6 princess in the Tower ?

    1. But don't worry, she will meet them anyway ;):

    2. I hope Wendy will as well. So many people ignore or forget her which is a pity. I much prefer her over Tinker Bell.

      BTW how much older is Wendy compared to Alice here?

  8. Taram's muscles have grown since the chapter 2! Did you know that in the original story, Belle has 2 sisters?? And that originally, the main protagonist of the Disney's movie was her aunt, not Gaston? What do you think about that? Do you think the movie would have been better? And do you have include things from the original tale or only about the movie??

    1. Of course I knew it ;). I think Belle's sisters would be something interesting to see ;).

    2. Is it possible that some of those awful noblewomen we met in Adam's castle were Belle's sisters? Perhaps when the family was rich they all lived together but when poverty struck, only Belle wanted to remain with her father even if it meant living in a poor town whereas her more greedy and ambitious sisters had either already been married off or were now living with wealthy extended family.

    3. They are just mean aristocrat girls, not Belle's sisters ;).

  9. But tell me, for your story, are you improvising or you planned everything from the beginning to the very end?

    1. Everything was planned since the very beginning ;).

  10. I don't know why, but Taram and Elionwy seemed younger in chapter 2 and now they've grown! But Seriously, the people we thought dead, are alive!

    1. They have suffered a new redesign, don't worry we'll change them in the chapter two too ;).

    2. You mean they will grow up? Oh yeah! If they were 12, It would be weird, because it says they are engaged.

    3. Technically Taran and eilonwy of chapter 2 are grown up versions of them xD, but we decided to give them a more mature anatomy in this chapter, I think they look better this way ;).

  11. Wow! Merlin is still alive! Arthur grew up, got married and his wife cheated on him! Damn! But I hope we will see why Lancelot was stuck in the dark even before Aurora came.

    1. Perhaps Lancelot is a mole of the villiains ;).

    2. I think Morgana banished Lancelot to the Tower. And I definitely think she has some connection with Aurora, Leah, or Maleficent. I also feel as though all those quotes that were shown when Aurora was falling came from Camelot.

  12. Thoughts on the cover
    The cover is gorgeous! Carmilla looks gorgeous. ANd I flipped out when I saw the Sandersen sisters. Dorian Gray looks super creepy although I'm not sure what that bound book/journal is supposed to be. The London setting makes sense though for him, Alice, and the ancient people from Camelot. I forget if Carmilla was from England as well now. And Argus looks amazing as well. I thought his looks were overrated but he rivals Carmilla here.

    1. Thanks! Rumple is, in fact, Carmilla's rival ;).

    2. That book looks an awful lot like the one the Sanderson sisters use for their spells.

    3. I was thinking that as well. It wouldn't shock me that they got it from Rumpelstiltskin.

  13. I'm so glad you included that painting. It's one of my favorites and so iconic. I love how easily you were able to modify it to fit the story. It looks real, every part including Argus, Merlin, and Morgana.

    1. It's one of my fauvorites too ;). I though it would fit to this story perfectly ;)

  14. I was shocked to see Taran so beefed out. And Eilonwy of course looks as lovely as always although her revelations were a bit shocking. Was Ys a real place or from the Prydain boks?

    1. Ys is a legend. Nobody knows if it really existed ;).

    2. If Ys was a Celtic nation located in what is Brittany of France, does that make Aurora French?

    3. The legend of Ys has a lot of versions (the french versions tell it was situated in France, the british versions tell it was on England...) Technically nobody knows where it was located, in some variations of the legend Ys was at the south of England, in another version it was a little island between Britanny and England, other say it was located on the north of France... In any case, Ys was the biggest city of the world or that is what the legends tell ;)

  15. What's the symbolism behind Guinevere and Lancelot calling each other Calypso and Argus? Is that true to the myths or something you made up and why?

  16. Is Morgana here the same as Morgan Le Fay? Is she Arthur's half-sister who is in love with him or do her feelings go towards Lancelot (or even Guinevere?)

  17. Will Arthur's design be based off of Wart from Sword in the Stone? And did he really paint?

  18. Is there any link between Guinevere/Calypso and Althea? I just realized that besides being both redheads, both women are traditionally just queens but you have depicted them as very powerful witches/sorceresses. Is it possible that Althea's wish to have a child of snow white skin, blood/rose red lips, and dark ebony hair came true b/c of her magical power? And will we ever see that scene?

    1. Althea and Calypso are from 2 different worlds and 2 different eras, it's impossible that they were connected ;).

  19. You said that wizards/sorcerors never die and are immortal. Can they all travel through time or is that just Merlin. Also do fairies function the same way? Do they age and eventually die and can they travel through worlds?
    Are Guinevere and Morgana both witches (like Grimhilde, Maleficent, Althea) or are they sorceresses like Merlin? Is a witch the same as a sorceress.

    1. It's true that Merlin can travel through time in his movie, but He can't do that in this comic. times travel is something very powerful and impossible to control, they are a mare magnum of plot holes, besides they are something too much powerful for a character, it would make Merlin a practically invincible character. He can't travel between worlds either. A sorcerer is like a witch but very much powerful and immortal ;).

  20. Is Maleficent related to Morgana-Lancelot-Genevieve. Reminds me of the love triangle between Maleficent-Stefan-and Leah from that godawful Maleficent movie.

    1. We don't like the actual disney real action movies, so we don't take them into consideration, sorry :(.

  21. Is the Arthurian time period before Sleeping Beauty's time period? From reading the comments many people seem to think that they some of the characters are cousins, etc. but I just assumed that the Camelot characters came way before Sleeping Beauty's characters. I think King Arthur usually comes from the 5th century, while Sleeping Beauty takes place in the 14th century.

    1. That's something that you will have to discover in the next chapters ;).

  22. So many new revelations and very important ones at that. I wonder if we will see Wonderland in this chapter since Alice is here. Will we ever go there? I'd love to see your versions of the Red and White Queen.

    1. We'll see wonderland but no in this chapter ;).

  23. Will we see more Arabian characters like Sindbad, Scheherazade, or Ali Baba? Disney Tokyo has this amazing Sindbad ride featuring him and his adventures with pet tiger cub Chandu.

    1. We'll se more arabian characters, but no that characters specifically ;).

  24. I'd love to see your version of Dracula. He'd be so beautiful like Carmilla. And a rival for Dorian/Rumple.

    1. We will make a tribute to Dracula in this comic, don't worry about that ;).

  25. I read somewhere that fairies came from Avalon. Does that mean Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather existed alongside Arthur, Guinevere, etc?

    1. Remember there are fairies in most of the worlds, like the Fairy Godmother of Cinderella or the Blue Fairy ;). They can't be exclusive of a single island ;).

  26. Wow Argus has been Lancelot this entire time! I was not expecting that tbh. And now we finally know who the violet-eyed woman is. That is an unexpected twist indeed.

  27. How exactly are Wendy and Alice related again? And what are their ages as of now?

    1. Yes I would like to know this too! Is Alice, the niece of Wendy's husband or Wendy herself?

    2. I think it would be more interesting if you find out by yourselves in the next chapters ;).

  28. May the Sanderson sisters' appereance be an allusion to three witches from Macbeth?

    1. Oh smart. I never thought about that.

  29. Did Eilonwy just say that Aurora never came back?

  30. Will we be seeing the Swan Lake characters soon? THey are my favorites.

    1. You will have to wait a little more to see them ;).

  31. I knew the lady with the red curly hair and crown looked familiar on the cover, but I couldn't quite place her until I saw the painting on the next page. I love how you've tied so many things together!

  32. Will you be including Morgaise as well or are you giving that role to Morgan?

  33. Beautiful chapter. Eilonwy looks beautiful and even prettier than she was in her film. I never thought of her as a great beauty until the way you drew her. And I loved Merlin's clothes. Medieval clothing has never appealed to me (I much prefer the clothes from Snow White's time) but I've loved everything you've created so far for Leah and now Merlin. I only regret that the scene is now over so we can't see a full shot of Merlin in his jeweled robes.

    Here are a few grammar corrections.

    "And this is the first painting [of our family that we preserved]."

    "It shows the scene when Lancelot was knighted by Queen Gwenevere's [desire]." (no need for the s behind desire. You could also replace the word [shows] with [depicts] to make Eilonwy sound more regal since she is older and not a young girl anymore.)

    BTW Gwenevere is typically spelled as Guinevere in English, however Gwenevere is not entirely wrong either I think so this is a matter of personal preference.

    The line where Taran describes how the painting disturbs him confused me. I couldn't really follow with what exactly made him feel off about it. This is the line I am referring to. "it's like the figure of the queen was subjecting the knight who is bowing to her."

    "[Their] affair [unleashed] the rage of Morgana, the sorceress, but nobody knew the reason [for] her rage..."

    I don't think the word [crush] was in the vocabulary back in those days so it sounds a little off especially to describe Arthurian characters. Maybe instead phrase it so that Eilonwy says "Some say that Morgana was attracted to Lancelot." Crush just seems very high-school, teenagery which seems odd in a period piece like this.

    I also didn't really get what the bad languages were. It's not a term I have heard of in English before. That wording confused me.

    "The painter was King Arthur himself" (You can remove "the" in front of King Arthur.

    In the line, "If you don' t mind boy" there is an extra space in [don't] in the speech bubble making it look like [don' t].

    At the end of Eilony's rant, she screams "Never!!" but "Ever" makes more sense.

    "We both know that my best pupil wasn't Morgana[, but in fact] Gwenevere."

  34. So now we see Camelot. What are your thoughts on The Sword in the Stone? It is personally my least favorite Walt-Disney film. I like Merlin and Archimedes but Wart and Madam Mim bored me as well as the storyline and the songs. The film isn't as nice to look at compared to Sleeping Beauty before it so that makes it worse. And the fact that Wart's voice acting changes so often is really off-putting.

  35. I'm surprised we haven't seen the Oz witches included yet. They would be perfect as part of Maleficent's cabal of villains.

  36. Will we see Tristan and Iseult?

  37. One of my favorite myths is Eris and her golden apple of discord that she presents to Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena. I always imagined Maleficent as Eris, but who would you pick out of the female villains as Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena?

    1. I think these goddesses are too different from the Disney villains, I can´t find resemblances between them :(.

  38. I know how you feel, Grimhilde, but it's not so bad being more open-minded :)

    1. I think the most outrageous thing for Grimhilde is the fact that Berthalda is lying with ''zombies'' more than the orgy itself xD.

  39. I totally didn't expect this... but I love it. I must say the main panel looks so great. The colors, the poses, the attitude... Berthalda radiates sensuality and of course, her lovers look attractive as well. A scene full of erotism but so gorgeous at the same time.

  40. Wow you said this scene would shock and you were right! I am utterly shocked. I love Grimhilde's reaction though. I'm a bit surprised as well that she is such a prude but then again maybe not so much. I don't see Grimhilde valuing sex nearly as much as beauty or just the appeal and allure of attracting sex.

    1. Grimhilde is a lot more demanding than Berthalda. she has very big shoes to fill ;).

  41. And a whole different comment is needed for Grimhilde's outfit. It is gorgeous and she looks gorgeous in it. Much better than the one we see of her last time. This one resembles that but there is so much more detail and the collar really suits her.

    1. Grimhilde's outfit is exactly the same one that she wore in chapter 15th, the only difference is that we can see the full outfit now, last time she was getting dressed ;)

  42. I just love Berthalda. She knows what she wants :3. Maybe I sound weird... But I find Evil Phillip quite... interesting :P. Also, Gaston hair looks so cool!

    1. I know what you mean, Dark Phillip is very well done ;).

  43. Although who is the black silhouette/shadowed person who is Berthalda's servant/slave? Is she even a person or just a magical construct? Does she really have no appearance or was she just cloaked in shadows?

    1. Ohhh!! I know you won't say who she is, but can you say which Disney movie the servant is from? :)

  44. Oh you must give more info on Grimhilde's dress!! It is too pretty not to tell.

    1. It's a creation of my own. I tried to create an hybrid between a gown of 50's, a court dress of XV century, and a gown of the Baroque Germany ;).

  45. THis scene was very scandalous but it also made me sad. I can't bear to see Phillip with anyone other than Aurora :( Gaston, I have no such sadness about.

    1. He is not the real Phillip, he is a nightmare. In fact, Dark Phillip is totally the opposite of the real one. The real Phillip is dead, he can't cheat anybody now...

    2. So Dark Phillip just resembles him? Otherwise there is no connection?

    3. They share the same name, and Dark phillip is a nightmare, a crooked version of Phillip, but despise that they are two different characters, not the same. Dark Phillip is not a zombie of the real one if that's what you think ;).

  46. Wow, Berthalda looks impressive! I love her hair! After this, I think it'spretty clear she's the lust ^^

  47. I think Grimhilde ought to win as best character for this chapter for her reaction alone lol

    1. there will be a lot more of interesting scenes in this chapter, Alice will appear too, and Maleficent, Tremaine, Ursula, Quetzal, Hilda, Rumple, the princesses, Argus... It will be a hard-fought poll ;).

  48. I thought Gaston died in chapter 14 and Phillip in chapter 15. Are these the real ones or are they "clones"?

    1. They are not clones, they are more like some kind of ''homunculus''. And a homunculus cannot die, (It depends of the version of homunculus you have read about)

    2. So is a homunculus sort of an artificially made person? Created by alchemy or magic?

  49. Is Berthalda's hair being redesigned as a purplish black rather than just black?

    1. She was a purplish black since the beginning, but her hair turned black with the old texture we used. Now that we are working with a neutral texture you can see a more accurate version of the real colours we are using for each character ;). If you notice in the header she already has the purplish black ;).

    2. Ah I noticed on the header that Berthalda had purple hair but I thought that was just done to add more color to the header since most of the ladies have very dark hair. Does that mean Ursula/Vanessa's hair has been lightened as well from dark brown to light/medium brown?

  50. Will we be told why Gaston is purple? And why his hair is turning red?

    1. The skin colours of Gaston and Phillip depend of the colour of the energy of their fillers ;).

    2. What is this filler? Does that mean whoever created them or fills them with their life force or energy?

    3. I can answer that yet... It's very soon to know that ;).

    4. I'm guessing Berthalda made Gaston then b/c her hair is purple and we first see Gaston with her. And of course Maleficent made Dark Phillip. But is Gaston, really Gaston or a Dark Gaston like Dark Phillip?

    5. I remember asking that last question myself at one point--Gaston is definitely the real thing transformed into a monster.

    6. Maleficent didn't create Dark Phillip, that would be too obvious ;).

  51. Sometimes I think someone ought to put Berthalda in her place. I don't see what exactly she contributes to the evil womens' plans.

    1. Why? She is not doing anything wrong... She is just having sex, she is not hurting anyone with that. Berthalda is one of the oldest integrants of the seven sins, She has done a lot of useful things for the group of villains, besides she is a very powerful character, (remember she stole her powers from Ondine, and Ondine is an undine, that means her powers are bigger any human could have ;).

    2. Oh the sex doesn't bother me. I just love to hate on Berthalda lol.

  52. Why nobody is asking if Gaston and Phillip had sex between them during the threesome? Because that is something I really wonder about!
    P.D. Grimhilde looks stunning :D

  53. Hmmm I wonder if Jafar is hiding in the back. We have not seen him since the last chapter but I don't believe he wouldn't not show up again.

  54. This chapter is very sex-filled lol. And I have a feeling there is more to come too. We only got a snippet of Lancelot and Gwen. We will likely see the whole thing soon XD

    1. There will be more sexual scenes about a lot of characters, don't worry about it ;).

  55. Damn, Gaston, what a nice view...

  56. It would not shock me that Grimhilde is a celibate. She probably thinks she could no longer be fairest if she was not a virgin.

    1. She is not celibate, she just find disgusting to have sex with 2 zombies ;).

  57. I was a little surprised to not see Dorian Gray included in this actually...

    1. Dorian will have their own sex scenes too, don't worry about it ;).

  58. Who is the fairest one of all? Snow White, Carmilla, or Grimhilde?

    1. Snow White and Carmilla ;).

    2. Poor Grimhilde. I'm not sure how she can bear being around Carmilla then.

  59. Perhaps the next page will involve Phillip and Gaston having the chance get at it together now that Berthalda is gone ;) would that be too much to hope

  60. I'am ... shocked for the page 5 ! But always so beautiful : D

  61. I loved Berthalda, because she was creepy. But what the hell is she doing??!

    1. She is having sex, she is the lust so it fits ;).

    2. (Begging) Could you tell us who are the other sins :D ;)?!?! Guess Grimmhilde is the Pride ;)...

  62. Next time, Grimhilde should definitely knock first! XD!

    1. I hope she learns the lesson this time xD.

  63. So if Maleficent created a minion in the form of Dark Phillip why did she make him resemble Phillip?

    1. Who said that Maleficent create him? It would be too obvious, don't you think so ;) ?

    2. True, true. I saw green and thought Maleficent.

  64. So does each villain fit a sin then? I guess we know Berthalda fits but wonder what others are....hmm.

  65. So are mermaids and undines the same thing are different? I don't quite understand the difference

    1. A mermaid is just a creature who lives in the sea (like a human with fishtail, at least in The Little Mermaid from Disney ;)). An undine is an elemental spirit of water, some kind of demigod. They are very beautiful women, related with The Time, The Death, The Change... They are also immortals but if an Undine gets married with a human, she becomes mortal ;).

  66. Will we see Russian figures such as Baba Yaga or Koschei the Deathless?

    1. Baba Yaga will appear as Mother Hulda ;).

    2. Now that will be fun to see!

  67. Oh, and I thought that Bertha was more like envy or wraith...Well, because she's gone nuts after Ondine stole her husband. But with this new information I really wonder if Berthalda was a loyal wife before the incident...

    Gaston seemed a bit wild during his first appearance. Is he still a mindless zombie or more like Nightmare Philip now?

    1. I think I would gone nuts too if she killed my husband xD. She deserves to get mad about it ;). Bertha wasn't always like that, she had her own reason to become the kind of person she already is ;).
      Gaston and Dark Phillip are developing their personalities, they are some kind of humunculus ;).

  68. Will we be seeing Drizella or Anastasia anytime soon? Seems odd that they have been absent for so long.

    1. They will appear in the next chapter. they have their reasons to be absents ;)

  69. I noticed you give Snow White high waisted dresses but she is not pregnant. I thought only Italian Renaissance women wore those dresses but Snow White is German.

    1. I I regret to contradict you but that's not true, empire-waist dresses( the waisted dresses you want to refer) are not something exclusive of the Italian Renaissance. It's true that the Renaissance started in italy but it expanded quickly over all Europe (that includes its fashion too), the fashion was slightly different in most of the countries but its essence was the same and the empire-waist dresses were something basic. Here you have some german outfits in 1500:



      I would like to add that empire-waist dresses were used before during the Egypt Empire and the ancient Greece. and it back into fashion about XVIIIth century, during the Regency ;)

    2. No thank you for contradicting me. I am more familiar with Tudor fashion, so 1500s England, and they mostly wore the empire-waisted dresses when pregnant from what I've seen. Not very familiar with Germany in 1500s so thank you for sharing that bit of info. I never realized how popular they have been in so many eras. Greek Chiton, Egyptian garment, and the Regency era, etc.

    3. Your welcome ;). I love talking about fashion ;).

  70. Will we see the White Cat? It is one of my favorite fairy tales and has beautiful designs.

    1. Oh wow that's a pretty dress. What time period is that dress from?

    2. Perhaps ;). About the dress, it's a gown from XVII century, judging by the shape of the sleeves it comes from England ;).

    3. The white cat is one of my favorite fairy tales as well.

  71. The Queen had the emotional intelligence of a child, even with that extraordinary regal demeanor. To be beautiful beyond compare, yet obsessed with the reputation as fairest, reveals an ego out of control. I think she wears the cowl so her hair doesn't get in the way of her face. To the Evil Queen, her face is everything. 

    1. You are right, she has an ego out of control, buts she is not only concerned about her face, her body is also very important for her ;).

  72. I have a theory. Until Snow White came along, the queen's psychopathic tendencies and very bad temper weren't revealed. She was serene, regal and stunningly beautiful. Snow White ruined her bliss, so she naturally wrecked vengeance. 

    1. That's a logical theory, but a wrong one after all :(.

  73. I find Grimhilde's ego oddly compelling, and would expect nothing less from a woman so regal, yet I feel her haughtiness detracts from her beauty. She's narcissistic, of course, and has no interest in the opposite sex. Otherwise, we might find her dressed more alluringly and perhaps seducing the Huntsman rather than coldly commanding him. Her womanly beauty is wasted. She is gorgeous to the utmost but has no sex appeal. 

    1. You are wrong in one thing, Grimhilde has interest in the opposite sex, she is not asexual, just a very demanding woman ;).

    2. I think she is a discerning woman too. After all, in the movie we barely see ant interaction between her and the opposite sex. The hunter wasn't an attractive man, but maybe after Snow White's "death" she would have try to seduce the prince, who is supossed to be a young, handsome man. Besides, in this story in some way she was "created" and educated by Dorian, who is a extremely obsesed with his own and other's beauty. I think he taught her to be very exquisite on the outside appearances of people.

    3. Remember she has just two scenes in the original movie, It's impossible to know how she really with so little information ;).

  74. Everybody looks so elegant sitting at the table. Rose Red is so adorably shy.

  75. So Quetzal is blonde now due to a change in her design or she has visited Berthalda's hair salon? Because Berthalda seems to have a thing with changing everybody's hair lol.

    1. She has not been redesigned, Quetzal is a mythological character, her hair looks blonde sometimes due to her own nature ;). But you are right, Berthalda has a thing with hair xD, it is something very important for her ;).

  76. A gorgeous dress, a gorgeous hair, a gorgeous new full body, a gorgeous new greandmother and a gorgeous future bride. Happy birthday, Rose Red :D

  77. I love to see all the villians finally together! And having a formal meeting lol.
    Carmilla scares me in the last panel, it seems Dorian REALLY gets on her nerves.

  78. So, the princesses have Argus and the villians have... Jafar. The dark side has never been sexier. Sounds logical that Berthalda( which, by the way, really have some charm under the clothing) prefers Phillip and Gaston's company. Smart girl.

  79. is Berthalda somehow related to Rapunzel (not Tangled)? I say it because you said she cared a lot about hair.

  80. I wonder if Rose Red knows what being a fiancée means. She was barely a little girl like five minutes ago. Does she have an adult mind or a childish one?

    1. I think this is the chapter where we will learn everything that happened to Rose Red since her death.

    2. Who is Berthalda’s husband? Has she remarried or was she referring to former husband Hans’ room?

    3. Was it ever confirmed whose house this is that all the women (and Jafar) live in? And whose world they are all in?

    4. I find Berthalda’s interest in changing people’s hair ironic, considering hers has looked the same throughout the story.
